
To whom it may concern,
The impact that EpiphanyClinic Vancouver has had on my life is inexpressible. When I came to see Dr. Ocana it felt like there were so many moving pieces. I didn't have the tools to communicate my needs. Anyways, he just cut right through all the static. It changed everything and set me on the path to --not just actualizing my potential-- but finding contentment within myself (I can't overstate the difference it makes to a confused kid, just having somebody on your side; someone to speak for you, when you aren’t able to speak for yourself)
It was a real turning point in my life. He made a difference. Sorry if it's a little cheesy, I just don't think I've ever properly thanked him.
Dr. Ocana,
My experience at EpiphanyClinic has had a profoundly transformative effect. First, there were the key psychological insights you offered me. You are an excellent therapist. Second, the openness and positive emotion granted to me by the psychedelic experience. Together, these elements allowed me to make the largest positive shift in my life in years. There’s no doubt that I will have a much better life because of this experience.
KS, June 2023
Dear Dr. Ocana.
Thank you so much again
I really hate to pester you as I can imagine how overwhelmed you must be due to the dire shortage of doctors- especially specialists. It was hard to find an ADHD specialist in 2012 but must nearly be impossible now.
I know you’re so busy. You have a big heart as you could have just left anytime, but you haven’t. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us- you’re a lifesaver
Hello Dr. Ocana
You diagnosed me with ADHD way back in 2009, and I wanted to tell you how much of a difference that has made in my life. Life is still overwhelming sometimes, I do struggle with impulsive tendencies involving food and the internet, which are somewhat tempered by medication. I still have lots of ways to improve, but I've got a starting point at least :)
I remember telling you about applying to medical school. I am doing it, even though it scares me more than anything I've undertaken.
I've read your blog entries with much interest, and I would really be interested in your poster about cocaine use and ADHD.
Sorry for the disjointed nature of this email. I hope you are well.
Dear Dr. O,
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You made it so easy to open up about my issues. Although I still struggle a lot, you have changed my life, and for that I cannot thank you enough. I have always felt that struggling mentally is wrong and you showed me that it was OK.
Sincerely, ST.
Dear Dr. Ocana
You met with (my partner) yesterday and I just want to THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart. The information you provided to him in 20 minutes, did more for him than thousands of hours of counseling and therapy throughout his life. He looks forward to educating himself about Reward Deficiency Syndrome, and getting from you the help that so many doctors, counselors and psychiatrists were not able to pin point.
Today he broke down, he has cried for most of the day, I believe that in a way he is relieved, but at the same time scared. One thing I do know is that he is READY to enjoy the next 30 years of his life.
He has a follow up appointment scheduled with you and looks forward to starting treatment.
Dear Dr. Ocana,
I don't know how to thank you. Wow! I am definitely better. I noticed it within a week.
The mental fog is gone.
I can focus more at work. I am teaching better and I am not putting things off.
I don't feel like I am forgetting things all the time . I am able to focus on exactly what I am doing, and keep going until it's finished. I am not having to make excuses for things left undone. I no longer feel exhausted, sluggish or mentally tired.
I feel like me, but new and improved.
Dear Anthony,
Thank you again for your presentation. It was extremely well received by the membership.
You have a great gift for public speaking and managed to deal with difficult questions with great aplomb.
Well done!!
Wendy Rigby
BC Massage Therapists Society
Dear Antonio
Thank you for helping me realize more of myself; thank you for surprising me and thank you beyond medication, for testing my courage to speak with a stranger about this deep problem I never wanted to talk about, because I have always felt misunderstood.
Best regards,
Dear Dr. Ocana
Thank you for your fantastic presentation on ADHD and Addiction, at the ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine) Conference. You nailed it. Why do mental health professionals ignore ADHD?
Evelyn R. Edelmuth MD
Laguna Azul Center
Rancho Mirage CA